regctl index add
Add an entry to a manifest list or OCI Index.
regctl index add <image_ref> [flags]
- append
- insert
# add arm64 to the v1 image
regctl index add --ref
--desc-annotation stringArray Annotation to add to descriptors of new entries
--desc-platform string Platform to set in descriptors of new entries
--digest stringArray Digest to add
--digest-tags Include digest tags
--platform stringArray Platforms to include from ref
--ref stringArray References to add
--referrers Include referrers
--host stringArray Registry hosts to add (reg=registry,user=username,pass=password,tls=enabled)
--logopt stringArray Log options
--user-agent string Override user agent
-v, --verbosity string Log level (trace, debug, info, warn, error) (default "WARN")