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regctl artifact put


Upload artifacts to the registry.

regctl artifact put <reference> [flags]


  • push


# push a simple artifact by name
regctl artifact put \
  --artifact-type application/example.test \ <text.txt

# push an artifact with a config
regctl artifact put \
  --config-type application/vnd.example.config.v1+json \
  --config-file config.json \
  --file-media-type application/ \
  --file data.tgz \

# push an SBOM that is a referrer to an existing image
regctl artifact put \
  --artifact-type application/spdx+json \
  --subject \
  < spdx.json


      --annotation stringArray        Annotation to include on manifest
      --artifact-type string          Artifact type (recommended)
      --by-digest                     Push manifest by digest instead of tag
      --config-file string            Filename for config content
      --config-type string            Config mediaType
      --external string               Push referrers to a separate repository
  -f, --file stringArray              Artifact filename
  -m, --file-media-type stringArray   Set the mediaType for the individual files
      --file-title                    Include a title annotation with the filename
      --format string                 Format output with go template syntax
      --index                         Create/append artifact to an index
  -p, --platform string               Specify platform of a subject (e.g. linux/amd64 or local)
      --strip-dirs                    Strip directories from filenames in file-title
      --subject string                Set the subject to a reference (used for referrer queries)

Options from parent commands

      --host stringArray     Registry hosts to add (reg=registry,user=username,pass=password,tls=enabled)
      --logopt stringArray   Log options
      --user-agent string    Override user agent
  -v, --verbosity string     Log level (trace, debug, info, warn, error) (default "WARN")